This guide assumes that you have either been given a Physical FortiToken Device or you have the "FortiToken Mobile" Application installed and configured on your mobile phone.

If you have not done this already, please follow the guides below:

How to Install Application for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

How to Configure Application for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

You are only required to use this feature if you are working away from one of the RBS Offices.
This connection is required for you to have the ability to access Network Drives from outside the RBS Offices.

1. On the desktop of your computer will be an icon labelled "RBS VPN".  (It will look like below)

    Double click on this icon to open it.

2. Once open, your details should be pre-populated, however you may be prompted to enter your password. 

    If so, enter your normal RBS Password and click "Connect"

    If your password is already saved, simply click "Connect"

3. At this point you will need to open the FortiToken Mobile Application or turn on your Physical FortiToken Device to acquire the secure 6-digit code.

Mobile App users may find the number only shows as dots or lines, tap on the icon that looks like an Eye to make the number visible.

4. Enter the 6-digit code into the "Token" field below and click OK to connect.


5. You will then be shown a "VPN Connected" Screen.

    This screen can be closed or minimized. 

    The connection will remain connected until you click on "Disconnect" or your computer is powered off.

    You can now work on your computer the exact same way that you do when you are working inside the office.

If you have any issues or require further assistance, please contact